About PSSM

In 1999, seven men with a passion for the Awana ministry formed a non­profit 501C(3) organization registered in the State of Washington with the primary purpose of supporting the Missionaries and the Ministries who share a common purpose. We continue with this passion, and as an organization we are committed to sponsor the camp ministry by providing the leadership, facilities, insurance, materials and performing the necessary functions for a successful camp ministry.

Our mission is “Teaching and Training Youth with Biblical Truth. ” Our goal is to teach Biblical truth to our youth and lead them in a meaningful and active relationship with God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Historically, God has clearly shown us that a camp ministry provides one of the most effective environments to fulfill this mission. A camping ministry in which young people;

  • Have a unique opportunity to discover God’s will and direction for their lives, and
  • To train them to serve Him.

Our focus of the camp ministry to fulfill our mission clearly communicates the gospel of grace:

  • By shepherding campers through creative camp curriculum, aiding them in identifying and applying relevant biblical teachings
  • By providing a fun and safe environment.

As our camp ministry continues to fulfill our mission, the need has been expressed that within our mission to “Teaching and Training Youth with Biblical Truth” we as an organization extend our support for Bible Quizzing and Games events.
In as much as Bible Quizzing and Games have parallel ministries to our camping ministry, we are committed to the youth and leadership so that the continued objective:
· To promote and encourage young people in Bible memorization and review.
· To provide a competitive atmosphere in which participants can display their Bible knowledge and gain a sense of accomplishment.
· To give young people a greater love for and working knowledge of the Bible.
· To provide an opportunity for adults to deepen relationships with teens and young people and to be an example of godliness to them.
· To build Biblical long lasting relationships between the quiz coach and the participants.
· To proclaim God’s wonderful grace and salvation through Bible quiz questions. Parents and friends may then see their need for becoming a Christian and be challenged to accept Christ as Savior.